Luthier making custom resonator and electric guitars on the Isle of Man
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12 fret single-cone wooden bodied resonator
Mahogany set-neck electric guitar with mini humbuckers.
Upgraded steel bodied single cone.
Small travel resonator with a big sound.
I offer the following models but welcome requests for variations and custom designs:
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Not just a slide guitar. Use it for both resonator and electric sounds. The tone is good enough to mike for recording too.
An acoustic bass that you can actually hear without having to plug in!
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Looking for something a bit different?
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14 fret steel body single cone
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Chinese-made instruments. Surprisingly good quality.
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More affordable than the Resocaster, but no compromise in sound.
Spider bridge, with a sweeter tone and more sustain
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000 shape, with warmer tone
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Electric lap steel - are you ready to rock?
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14 fret single-cone wooden bodied resonator
Upgraded brass bodied tricone.